Thursday, April 7, 2016

They are just children

      Today I wanted to talk about a story we mentioned in class about having a shortage in foster homes for children.  This article troubled me because I spend so much time with kids, (because I work with an after school care program), that it pains me to see that these children don't have the life that they should be given.  There have been no room for children in these foster cares, that they have been sleeping in the cps offices. This brings me to 2 questions. 1) Is it because we are taking too many kids away for something that we shouldn't have? And 2) Are there too many terrible parents.      
       I am not saying that all parents are terrible, but in my opinion you shouldn't be a parent unless you are ready, and that includes being the mature one, and knowing how to handle certain situations.  You can't plan for everything, but you can know that there are certain things you just shouldn't do. By this I am talking about assaulting a child.  There have been a couple cases in which we (the people I work with and I) have had to call CPS because a kid has a big blue bruise of a handprint on his or her face. I can understand simple things like spanking a child, but smacking them is another story.  
     Kids are not only sent to foster care because of terrible parents, but terrible things could happen to the family as a whole.  For example if a child's parents pass away, and they have nobody to live with. There are also times where the parents are taken from their home, (jail) and the home is not safe for children to live in.  That goes along with being responsible.  If you were to have a child, you can't think of yourself anymore, you need to put the child before you to ensure it has a good life.  
     It pains me to see kids sleeping in a CPS office building because they have nowhere to go.  I believe that there should be more places/ homes for these kids to live in. There is however a new policy in Texas that limits the amount of people that qualify to host children, and I believe that is there to ensure a good life for the kids, and should stay. Wether they are actual families or a facilities that can hold multiple kids, it is just important that they live a happy life like they deserve.  

1 comment:

  1. After reviewing many of my classmates blogs this blog from Texas Today stood out to me the most. It stood out to me because I also spend a lot of time with kids and volunteer at day care centers to help whenever it’s needed, I am also majoring in Education to later become an elementary school teacher. This article really hit close to home because I just don’t understand how children are being treated this way and not be getting what they deserve. I agree with everything that is being said in this blog about children growing up to have a good life because every child deserves that. I also agree that you shouldn’t be a parent unless you are ready because now not only are you worrying about your own life you have brought another one into this world that is yours to handle as well. It also pains me to see children not being able to call a place a home because they have nowhere to go. I think that something should be done so every child has somewhere to go so that their life will still stay intact even though it might have had a bumpy start. All children deserve a sweet and happy life.
    From a criticizing standpoint on this blog I think that it is very clear and to the point. He states his opinion right at the start and has good argument to back it up. He also separates his paragraphs really nicely so it’s easy to read and understand exactly what he’s trying to say. Over all I completely agree with what Mr. Hancock has said and I think he did a great job!
