Thursday, April 21, 2016

Abortions.... Comment to Someone Else's Blog

    As I read through Austin McKee's blog, Deep in the Heart of Texas, she writes over abortion in Texas and says that having an abortion is something people shouldn't be judged over, and that if there were no abortion clinics, people would be getting them in unsafe ways.
    I can't help but agree with her while reading her article.  I agree when saying that people shouldn't be judged, because they could be doing it for very good reasons, and they could be really great people. I also agree that people will get them in other ways than a clinic.  This could be very harmful, and more discouraged and ways to be judged than going to a clinic.
     Having a child when not ready would be irresponsible.  I wrote my blog post over cps offices holding kids, and I bet some of these kids come from families that should have had an abortion.
    One thing I would really love to have seen from her blog is her seeing the other side of the story.  Maybe throw in the other sides argument and let us know why that is the wrong way to think, and another point I think should have been made, is all that a clinic does for women  besides just having abortions.
   I think this was a great article, and I know a lot of people could disagree with me and say that every child should be born and live a life, but everyone feels different ways.

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