Thursday, March 24, 2016

Top 10%

Everyone knows that in Texas you need to be in the top 10% of your school to get into UT, but some might not know that if you are in the top 10% you can get in any public Texas University automatically.  As found on the Texas Monthly, Top 10 Percent Rule on Trial written by Erica Greider, she shows us something that is happening with the University of Texas.  While the supreme court allows schools to accept people off of race, to create a more diverse campus, Abigail Fisher, was not accepted into UT because she was not top 10%, and claims the decision was made with unconstitutional racial discrimination.  Erica agrees with Abigail in this blog, and believes that the supreme court should make the ruling in favor of Abigail, as she says, "A ruling in Fisher's favor would be rightly understood."  She also believes that the top 10% rule isn't creating a much diverse campus.  Erica creates her blog with a style that I like, she starts with the history and the facts, and as she talks about it, she works her opinions in as the blog continues.  She shows her opinion towards what is happening with Fisher v. University of Texas, and that she is also saying that diversity is good thought a campus but needs to be effectively done, and the top 10% rule isn't doing its justice.  Erica's blog is a well organized set of facts and opinions.  The top 10% rule is one that I never cared for just because the class I graduated with was very competitive, but I ended up going to ACC anyway so this never applied to me. I wish UT was easier to get in to, but if it was, would UT still be the same? Is it helping diversity?

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