Thursday, February 11, 2016

UT Immigration Clinic

Hello Everyone! Today I wanted to talk about an article I found in The Daily Texan, and article written by Elizabeth Hlavinka, over the UT immigration clinic.  Her article was very interesting to me to see how immigrants are actually treated. She talks a lot how poor the conditions where they have to live with children are there.  As a prison for people who have committed terrible crimes, I could see this a valid place for them to stay, but for families with children, it is terrible. These kids are being brought up in terrible conditions, and it is, as she says "hindering their development.  In the article she describes this place as a room with bunkbeds and made of cinder blocks. The mothers of the children would not let their kids crawl or walk on the floors.  I would not wish a situation like this upon anyone unless they have committed a serious crime. Another big concern is about the children, and how these places are not a child care facility.  I know there might be more to the story than just these families being treated poorly, but when reading this article I couldn't help but think about the children in this situation.  A lot of the article is about taking a test and if you fail you are deported and  it is difficult for the women to receive any legal council due to the location of the facilities. But, I believe that no matter where you are from and illegal or not children should be protected.  This is not me saying parents should not be protected, but the parents know what is legal and what is not. This article is very interesting and shows people what it is like for immigrants who come into this country. If you have the time I would go read it.

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